A usefull clip to explain hypnotherapy.. Explained by someone I have trained with


What is (and isn't) Hypnosis?

Over the years there have been many depictions of Hypnosis.

The most common of which involves the “subject” becoming glassy eyed and affected by amnesia.
Misconceptions like that make anybody who knows anything about Hypnosis laugh out loud.

Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state of mind and is not unlike meditation.
Contrary to popular belief it cannot make anyone do anything they do not want to do.
We all drift into hypnosis, and a lot more often than people realise.

How many times have you driven to work only to have hardly any recollection of the journey?
The reason that happened was because your subconscious took over the driving, and believe it or not you

 were in a mild level of Hypnosis, had there been a need for your conscious mind to come to the foreground,

then it would in an instant.

Have you ever been reading a good book and been so engrossed in it that you haven’t even noticed that

someone has come and sat next to you, well, that too is a mild Hypnotic state.

Hypnosis is a state of mind that brings the subconscious to the foreground of thinking.
The subconscious mind is the invisible section of our thinking processes.
It supervises everything we do, it determines the type of characters we are and our likes and dislikes.

The subconscious mind is invaluable, it holds all our instincts and survival techniques, but it sometimes gets

things wrong and, for example, incorrectly takes something as a threat, even when to our conscious minds

 it is not, but the subconscious has veto, and won’t take no for an answer, if it says that it’s a threat then it

damn well is.
This is how panic attacks and phobias can be brought about, there is no valid reason why we should be

 scared, but the subconscious is telling our bodies to work overtime as it prepares itself to fight.
The subconscious has learnt that reaction, and won’t let your conscious mind overwrite it.

So what do we do?

Well, if we can’t get any sense out of it with our conscious minds, we’ll just have to go straight to the

 subconscious , and we do that with Hypnosis.
Hypnosis will allow us to make a beneficial change to our subconscious, but they must be beneficial, and the

client MUST want it to happen.

But how does it work?

In the same way that you induce hypnosis in yourself just before you fall asleep, we can induce the same

level of concentration in the consulting room very easily.
You may not have recognised it as hypnosis, but it was.
How many times have you spent all evening struggling to remember someones name, and suddenly find it

pops into your mind as you relax in bed?
That was because as you enter hypnosis the conscious mind and the subconscious mind can communicate,

allowing access to your memory banks
hence why regression therapy is so successful with hypnosis.